Introduction to Me and this Blog

 About me and this Blog

I don't usually blog, nor do I normally talk about myself, but since this is a new blog and who is going to read it without knowing who is writing it? But does anyone actually read blogs anymore?

 I do now and again if it interests me, so whether anyone finds these blogs interesting I have no idea but here we go!

I'm middle aged, yes bit late in starting a blog or is it? I have been doing nature based spiritual path since my early 20's, and I have always been a nature girl. I have been on a Druidry path since my 40's and I am a member of The Isle of Wight Order of Druids and studying the Birch Grove course they provide.  Being in nature is what I do, I even moved out of the city and went rural, and now live in a Valley surrounded by nature. I also work with Chakras and Crystal Healing, Tarot Reading, although that is something I used to do, Spiritual Readings with Tarot Cards, but with children and work and the day to day life keeping things up can be challenging.

So now I am back trying to work with all the Spiritual elements that I used to, and with this I try to Meditate everyday and  take walks in nature, celebrate the Seasons and make the most of my Family and Friends. So what will be in these blogs? Couldn't tell you, ramblings, Druidry talk, Mythology, Folklore and Inspirational Quotes. Not sure it might be all of it as it comes. So what do you get out of it? Hopefully some enlightenment and knowledge, a connection with a like minded person, who knows where this journey will take us but if you follow you may find out where it leads.


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