Meditation, not for the faint hearted!


 I had written out on paper a blog about Rosemary, the history etc, but after doing an afternoon meditation I changed my mind.

Now all good intentions start well enough, starting a new personal journey, getting up a bit early to get in yoga, finish that book you started, but sitting down being in the here and now, well what are you thinking, there's dishes to be done!

Meditation is good for the mind, body and soul, to stop and breathe and to take time to feel, OK for some, but we live in a society that is on the go, in a rush, forgot how to play, live, laugh, love they say, there's books on it you know.

Lets look at the big picture, tides are changing, some companies do only four days and three off, they found productivity is up and staff are happy. There is a lot to be said to, stop and smell the roses, we forget to do it at times if not all the time.

 Then you have a moment in your life you decide that, you want to be more connected, grounded and calm. Meditation is not as easy as sitting there with your eye's closed and in 20 minutes you feel better. You need to be able to sit, clear the mind be at one, yeah I know such a hippy thing to say, but with so much help out there now, apps and classes, you have more chance of actually doing it than not.

Guided meditation will take you on a body journey, music may help you switch off and binaural beats well that's to help the mind and white noise might help you sleep. During the day my mind races, as I tend to be thinking several things ahead of me, does not mean I get anything done but.... So if I get the chance to meditate during the day I will do a guided meditation for 10 to 15 minutes, a stop and reboot the mind, slow it down and refocus, doesn't always work but I do it anyway. Now night is different, guided is okay but only when I need it, but soundscape with different beats, Tibetan bells and the like seem to work better.

I have a friend who can not meditate, cannot seem to switch off, to do guided or anything, believe me I have tried several and nope nothing, unless I put her through a meditation with cleansing and crystal healing, that seems to work, although she swears to find white noise helps her sleep, drowns out the outside noise and she can sleep quite well.

So what I'm probably trying to say is what ever helps, whatever you do, stop and smell the rose's, remember to live, laugh, love and play. I know there are a lot of apps out there but one that is free and has beginner course's to do, and yes I did say free, they work on, if you can afford a donation that's great if not no worries it's still free for you, the app is MEDITO 

Medito has Daily Meditation, timer, downloads and sleep. Has courses for getting started to learning to sit still, mindfulness, deepen your practice, open awareness, gratitude , compassion, 30 day challenge, great thinkers and meditative insights. No I am not getting paid for this but it's hard to find anything free no less helpful, but if this funny little blog enlightens or helps one person then I will be happy.

 We all need to be happy and we all need help every now and again. No one is alone in this journey, you only need to reach out a hand and ask for help, there is always someone who is willing to listen. We need to listen to ourselves first, and sit still for our mind and body health. But next blog I will put up some interesting things on Rosemary, but till then, just stop.

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